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Sketchnoting: Making Thinking Visible

Ends Jul 1, 2025
1 credit


Full course description


Sketchnoting is a note-taking process that can be customized to work best for any learning style. It’s not about art or who can draw the prettiest picture. It’s about focusing on content, making connections, and synthesizing thoughts in a creative way.

Course Proficiencies

The participant has successfully completed all tasks associated with Sketchnoting: Making Thinking Visible, an academy focused on an alternative note taking protocol that inspires creative thinking.  The participant has demonstrated his/her ability to draw basic shapes and expand the basics to more elaborate features. Additionally, the participant has created content using tools that could be used as a model for classroom instruction.  Finally, the participant has demonstrated how the use sketchnoting can be used by students in a learning environment. 

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